Seasonal Settings for Ceiling Fans
Sources: CNN and WGN TV Chicago Weather Blog
In summer, a ceiling fan should rotate counterclockwise to create a downdraft and a cooling breeze. Use a ceiling fan even when your central air conditioning is turned on. The fan will help the air conditioning work more effectively by distributing the colder air more quickly.
In the winter, flip the direction of the ceiling fan to clockwise. This will create an updraft that will bring the warm air down into your living space. This can be especially helpful in rooms with high ceilings. Keep the fan on a low setting in the winter, otherwise you may experience a breeze that will make you feel even colder.
If you wish your ceiling was more powerful, check to see if you can adjust its blade pitch. It should be about 10 to 15 degrees. Any higher than 16 degrees and you may have items blowing around the room. If you want more airflow, increase the angle.