Weather and Marine Conditions for Muskegon MI

Information about Muskegon MI can be found at Wikipedia. Below is the entrance to Muskegon Harbor.

Harbor Entrance

By U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, photographer not specified or unknown - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Digital Visual LibraryImage pageImage description pageDigital Visual Library home page, Public Domain,

Muskegon Airport - Current Conditions
KMKG - Muskegon Cnty Arpt, Michigan, USA
Distance from station: S 4mi, 7km
Updated: Tue, 10-Sep-2024 4:55pm MDT
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from S
Wind: S 5 mph, 7 km/h
Temperature: 73°F, 23°C
Dew Point: 48°F, 9°C
Humidity: 41%
Barometer: 30.09 inHg, 1019 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles, 16 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 25000 ft
2024/09/10 22:55 KMKG 102255Z 19004KT 10SM BKN250 23/09 A3009 RMK AO2 SLP187 T02280094

Water Temperature at Muskegon MI

Source: Sea Water Temperature

Sea water temperature

Weather Forecast for Muskegon MI


Lake Michigan Marine Forecast - Scrollable Window

Source: Great Lakes Forecast - Grand Haven to Whitehall

Great Lakes Radar

Source: Great Lakes Radar


Satellite View by

Live Webcam at Muskegon MI


Norton Shores: Muskegon